Hey 👋🏻

I'm someone who loves to explore UIUX design because since high school I've enjoyed IT-related things, such as research, marketing through visuals, the art of designing mobile app websites and programming, now I'm focused on one field, namely UIUX design. I'm still building a learning platform, still a community, that is, you can and it's very important for UIUX in companies to solve problems in a sprint, so I focused on UIUX design, and research until now and before that I also had an internship and worked as a UIUX design, the first was at ICommits IT consultant as product design, while working while doing an internship at Digital Courage as UIUX Design, then joining the Independent Campus at Altera as a Flutter Dev, then joining the Independent Campus Internship at Skillvul as a UIUX Designer and now doing my thesis while building and teaching UIUX freelance at Superprof.


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Real Project Magang FullTime Product Designer (UI/UX)

Real Projects UI/UX Design

Featured Work Flutter Developer

UI Design Explorations

I always hone my design skills by exploring because it's really important for skills





<aside> 💡 More explorations and their design decisions can be accessed
